User commands
/c3 - Call C3PO into action, he might help with some communication problems.
- lock - C3PO will send you a DM when user on <position> moves
- top - Show top users with their position (min 1K MCH)
- earound - Get notified when an enemy moves around you (min 1K MCH)
- watch - C3 will watch & get notification when wathed user moves (2 for 1K MCH, 4 for 3K MCH per server)
-- add - Add user to C3 watch list & get notification when he moves
-- list - List and manage all your C3 watches
/help - Show your available commands
/jump - Show your next max jumps
/next - Show users in next max jump
/today - Show info about your upcoming PO
/user - Manage user
- info - Show user info
- addac - Add your Ally Code
- delac - Delete your Ally Code
- changepo - Change user's payout time (no ally code)
- dminfo - Opt in/out for DMs before payout with usefull info payout time
- dmnext - Opt in/out for DMS with next results before payout (1K MidiChlorians)
- updatepo - Update your payout (if added with ally code)
- fetch - Fetch user info from the game
- list - Show an alphabetically sorted user list that can be sent to other (non) members
- pcheck - Will check your patreon status
- flag - Add flag
- suicon - Set custom user icon for sniper
- pn - Personal notifications on your move
-- type - Set the type of your personal notification (DM) if the sniper is on
-- max - Set how many max hours before your po you want to receive personal notifications
- snipervip - Set this server as sniper vip server (min 2K MCH)
/when - Show user's payout time
/yoda - Show Yoda's visions
/mando - Show me the way (beta)
Operator commands
/xpayout - Manage user (OP & Admins)
- types - Show all payout windows with its rotation types
- shift - Manually rotate positions in PO window
- sort - Sort users in PO window
- settype - Set a new payout type (daily, weekly
/xuser - Manage user (OP & Admins)
- add - Add a new user
- delete - Delete a user
- info - Show user info
- changeid - Change user @discord name
- addac - Add/change user's Ally Code
- delac - Delete user's Ally Code
- enemy - Toggle user's enemy status of a user
- static - Change user's static/rotation status
- changepo - Change user's payout time (no ally code)
- changenick - Change user's nick name (no ally code)
- updatepo - Update user's payout (user with ally code)
- fetchguild - Fetch all allycodes from guild based on the given allycode
- ghosts - show all users with position below "number " & users that left guild with an option to delete them
- showall - Show info about all users in your server
- flag - Add flag
- suicon - Set custom user icon for sniper
Admin commands
/xrole - Manage guild/server roles (Admins)
- operator - Manage operators
-- add - Add a new operator
-- del - Remove operator role from this user
-- show - Show all guild/server operators
- admin - Manage admins
-- add - Add a new admin
-- del - Remove admin role from this user
-- show - Show all guild/server admins
- create - Create default operator & admin roles
/xset - Manage guild/server settings (Admins)
- info - Show guild/server settings
- st - Set guild/server shard type
- rotation - Enable/disable showing users rotation
- flags - Disable/Enable showing flags
- layout - Set layout for the payout list in the guild
- channel - Change payouts-rb channel
- logchannel - Set log chnannel (name & payout chages + important news)
- channelfilter - Set max position you want to see in payouts-rb for statics after & enemies
- reversed - Toggle between Natural and Reversed list order
- checkrights - Check if rotbot has needed rights in current channel, channel with PO list & sniper-rb channel
- dm - DM info settings
-- start - Set when to send dm (in hours before PO)
-- count - Set how many payouts around you will be send in dm
- update - Auto updates settings
-- nicks - Toggle on/off ingame nicks updates once a day
-- payouts - Toggle on/off ingame payout times updates once a day
- sniper - Sniper / ipd integration settings
-- switch - Enable/disable sniper
-- vip - Enable/disable sniper VIP
-- channel - Change sniper channel
-- list - Toggle on/off showing live positions and last move in payout list
-- ealert - Set the type of enemy alert (@mention) for the server
-- ealerttrigger - Set the position which triggers the enemy alert (@mention) feature
-- filter - Settings for sniper-rb filtering
-- pn - Setings for Sniper Personal Notifications
-- gg - Enable/Disable showing links to users profile on in sniper messages
-- forcedot - Toggle force update once a day (not really useful if you have ipd beta 22 & newer)
-- forcenextkeep - Toggle force keep reply in next command (all next command replies will be vissible)
-- rosemax - Set maximum TTPO (in hours) when bad guys get rose points if they snipe ally
-- layout - Show & change current sniper layout
-- ipdenemyicon - Toggle showing enemy icon in ipd log channel
- icon - Set custom icons
-- ally - Set custom ally icon
-- enemy - Set custom enemy icon
-- sdrop - Set custom Sniper drop icon
-- sclimb - Set custom Sniper climb icon
-- spayout - Set custom Sniper payput icon
Synchronized: 12/07/2024, 13:25:13