RotBot 6.0.0
Discord policy will change a bit and we will not be able to read any message that wasn’t send by RotBot. Due to this, we will be abandoning all ,commands that we used until now. We will use /slash (application) commands. In order to be able to use these slash commands, you have to do a few steps, that we can’t do instead of you.
More info about slash commands
- You have to reinvite RotBot to your server by visiting this link. This will add the bot again to your server, this time with scope=bot%20applications.commands. Also it will ask you for permissions again.
- You will also need to allow “Use Slash Commands” permissions in channels, you want to use slash commands (don’t forget about channels for users, they need some channel as well)
- Old and ancient admin & operator roles stored in RB database are gone. We now use only discord roles rbadmin or rboperator.
Some info about slash commands
- All commands now reply with ephemeral messages or in dm. Ephemeral = visible only to the user that initiated the command. These messages will disappear after 15 minutes. This means, that RotBot commands will not flood your channels.)
- Almost all commands work from DM. In order to use a command from DM, you must be added with @mention in your server. Commands, that need to add @user or #channel must be initiated from a server channel.
- Commands that starts with /x are admin & operator commands. We added “x” there to not distract non privileged users because we can’t hide them (it may be possible in the future, depends on Discord…)
Some things that change with this version
- Cities & Local timezones are deprecated (we use native discord feature to convert the time to local timezone)